Sunday, January 2, 2011


December 24th at 8:30 pm we got on the plane for a 14 hour flight. Both kids fell asleep soon after takeoff and slept Getting through customs and immigration was easier than coming home from the States, we actually asked where to go after getting our bags since it was so easy. Here is a break down of what we did each day with a few pictures to go along.

December 26th- We got to the hotel and had a quick shower before setting out in the rain to explore Sydney. Unfortunately we went the wrong way and really didn't see anything! At noon we got into our hotel room and had a short nap and when we woke up it beautiful and sunny so again we headed out, this time we followed the crowds and ended up at Darling Harbour. The kids really enjoyed all the water ponds and fountains. We also checked out the boats and had some food at a mall there.

December 27th- Woke up early (4 am)and had a nap by 8 am! It was rainy and gloomy but we thought it may be like the day before and clear up so we decided to try Taronga Zoo. That meant a 15 minute walk down to Cicular Quay. (Note to self, time is apparently estimated differently as it was more like a 35 minute walk) Did I mention it was raining? Anyway, got down to the piers and changed opur minds as the skies still looked very gray. Instead we checked out the Opera House next door and then went shopping at Paddy's market (kinda like a huge flea market). Went back to the hotel early for a swim and then relaxed.

December 28th- Woke up early again (4 am)kids were having some time change adjustments! Everyone had a nap at 7:30 because the day looked much better and we were going to the zoo. Walked down to Circular Quay again, felt like a 45 minute walk this time! Got on the ferry and lined up for a gondola ride up to the entrance but changed our minds since the line-up was so long. A worker took pity on us and brought us up the lift (elevator in Canadian) and we were able to skip in front of the line. What a great bonus, no dirty looks either! Would you belive we only saw 2 kangaroos in the whole zoo? Maybe we missed a section. At 1:00 there was a seal show that we sat and watched, very entertaining and a nice break from all the walking. Miles got a hold of the map at the end of our visit and that was the highlight for him. I swear the next two days he checked his map constantly (probably because Clint and I were always looking at the map too!). Got back to the Quay and walked through the Rocks, the oldest part of Sydney before returning to the hotel for another swim.

December 29th- Everyone finally slept in, and by slept in I mean 7:30! It was a sunny warm day so we were heading to the beach. Once again we walked down to Circular Quay to catch the ferry to Manly Beach. The beach was packed and the kids had a blast! Miles loved jumping over the waves as they rolled in and Izzy had lots of fun digging in the sand. Took the ferry back to the Opera House and walked through the Botanical gardens which were quiet and beautiful, a nice break from all the crowds we'd been in the last few days. It was also pretty cool to see all the flying foxes sleeping in the trees.

December 30th- Our last day in Sydney. We started out with a morning trip to the Aqurium which has huge lines by 10 am. There was a Lego promotion going on so throughout the aquarium there were huge statues made out of Lego that Miles thought were great. He also got a mini figure of a cowboy as we entered which was his highlight! There were two underground tunnels were stingrays and sharks and turtles swim above you which were very cool. Izzy loved pointing at all the fish and she really enjoyed herself too! Went back to the hotel for a nap and then checked out an art gallery before having dinner. The kids were great travellers and were very tired by the time it was bed time.
On December 31st we got up early and flew to Adelaids where a co-worker of Clint's picked us up for the three hour drive to out new home. The temperature was hot, the car themometer red 46 degrees Celcius at one point. The house is huge, Miles and Izzy love the pool and Clint and I are getting used to the different appliances and taking care of the pool and yard. Another co-worker dropped off a car for us to borrow for a few days as we have been house bound for 3 days and we were going a bit stir crazy. Clint is going car shopping tomorrow with Simon and hopefully we can have our own wheels soon. Happy New Year!

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