Thursday, January 20, 2011


Our last trip before Clint starts work was to Melbourne. As usual, we landed in the rain. I'm sure you've heard about all the floods happening here. Luckily we are safe and actually still in drought in Port Augusta so the rain was welcome! Once again we had a nap and when we woke up it was sunny and beautiful. So, off we went to explore! We hopped on the free tram that went along the outside of the downtown area. We got off at the harbour and found a great outlet shopping area that was empty, Costco was there too! Too bad we forgot to bring our Costco cards!

On Saturday we thought we better try to figure out how to get to the tennis grounds before the tournament started. Amazingly, it was open and it was kids tennis day. Miles and Isabella both got a goody bag with a water bottle, keychain and something else that I forgot. Miles also got a free tennis racket and we got a family shot with the Australian Open trophies, how cool!
Miles was so excited about his racket that he bugged his dad for the next 2 days to play in the courts across from the apartment we were staying in!
On Sunday we took a bus tour to Ballarat Wildlife Park where we got to feed kangaroos pet a koala and wombat. Izzy couldn't get enough of feeding the kangaroos, would you believe that roo is one of Izzy's clearest words! Here are some great shots!

Koala's are only awake for about 4 minutes at a time and then they go back to sleep!

Had to finish the day with ice cream!
On Monday we headed back to the tennis grounds to take in the first day of the Australian Open. It was cloudy, windy and cold for summer. Thank goodness we put sweaters on the kids before we left. They both had a nap during one of the afternoon games so Clint and I could watch a game without interuptions! Headed back to the apartment around 4 and Clint went back on his own to watch some tennis under the lights. He also went back on Tuesday on his own and scored cheap tickets to Rod Laver Arena so he got to watch Nadal take out another player easily. Apparently Nadal is very superstious and has to have his drink bottles just so, labels out and in a certain order but who cares when you are that good!
We loved Melbourne, so easy to get around, beautiful to see, lots of grass and parks and some great shopping, did I mention Izzy got some Uggs! Hope to get back before we leave, maybe take in a musical.

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