Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Everyday Life

We do lots of travelling around during the school holidays but there is lots of time that we spend around Port Augusta. Before my mom left we took a cruise up the gulf. Due to the tides, the cruise is in the morning because later in the day the water is too shallow.

A momma dolphin and her baby came for a swim off the front of the boat!

The top area of the cliff is part of the Arid Lands just outside of town. There are pictures further down so you can see both vantage points.

We went for a walk in the Arid gardens the weekend before my mom left. Izzy was lagging a little behind so Miles went back for her!

This is the landscape and plants that grow around here. Usually the skies are bright blue and it is sunny but it is getting very cool at night now. Clint actually bought 2 pair of pants because he has been so cold and if you know Clint you know he hates wearing pants!!

Izzy loves helping out in the kitchen. She pulls up a chair to stand on whenever she sees me starting to make something!

Clint was teaching Miles how to play his new video game and of course Isabella was in there like a dirty shirt!!

The weekend of Miles' birthday happened to be a long weekend so we went out to Wilpena Pound for a bit of fresh air. Still don't get sick of wild kangaroos!!

We went on a 6.5 km hike which exhausted Miles after running most of it. This is on the trail heading back to the campsite.

Isabella and her little buddy Harry helped themselves to the crackers and dip that were served before dinner. There was a little more than just double dipping happening so the dip became there's!

This is a great way to cook dinner, actually a chocolate cake was baked in the pot earlier in the day. A lamb roast and roasted veggies were for dinner. In my opinion it was much better and healthier than our typical hot dog and spagettio dinners when we camp.

This is a picture of everyone at the top of a little hill just beside the campsite. The Anno's and Kitchins have been lots of fun and we had a great time with them. Camping may never be the same again!!

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