Thursday, February 17, 2011


Our friends the Anno's invited out for an adventure to the little town of Quorn (pronounced corn). Unfortunately most of the places they wanted to show us were closed for some reason so fish and chips for lunch turned into coldcut sandwiches and playing in the creek became going for a walk on some rocks since the water was all dried up!

This was taken at a little resturant off the highway called The Willows. It was all locked up so we just looked around a little and enjoyed the small patch of grass!

This is what it looks like to drive in the ranges ( I think we would call them foothills!). Notice which side of the highway we are on. The Anno's were ahead of us in their new Hyndai Santa Fe which is a 7 seater here.

Poor Izzy was so tired from her afternoon at the park that she missed the walk along the river bank that was all dried up!
Miles, Keyaasha and Bailey had lots of fun picking rocks and checking out the small snails in the river bed.
Quorn is only a 30 minute drive from our place and it has a short train trip called the Pichi Richi that we'll have to try as well as camel riding tours. So that was our weekend, hope you enjoyed!

Tennis Club

Miles has started taking part in a tennis club that meets on Saturday mornings
for an hour. He is in a group with 5-7 year olds and on his first day he won a sweat band prize for having the best hold on his racket while running.
They started with some footwork and small racket.

There are mini nets that the kids practice hitting over with their forehand and backhand holds.

How cute is Izzy checking out the action on the courts!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A week of firsts

This week had lots of first, starting with Miles first swim lesson.
Lessons are held in the outdoor community pool about 2 minutes from our house. I was so proud of Miles for showing his teacher what he could do. He was placed in kindy level and has been practicing every day. He has already improved so much from putting his head under the water, to wearing goggles to see under the water, to getting his arms out of the water when swimming. It's incredible to see how much he has improved already, gotta take video along the way to remember his progress!

Clint had his first day of school (without students) the next day. Let's just say they do things a bit differently here so Clint will have to adjust his usual ways!

Saturday started with Clint shooting a round of golf before we headed to a nearby beach. Did I mention it was 47 degrees?

Point Lowry is about 45 minutes from here. It is a small beach but the sand is beautiful and the water is crystal clear and warm. The kids had a blast playing in the water and sand. Clint even saw a starfish about 50 feet from the shore, that's how clear the water was! After our picnic lunch we went back into the water only to look back and see the beach blanket covered in seagulls looking for our crumbs! If only I had the camera for that it was hilarious!
On Sunday Clint played 9 holes of golf with three other blokes (how do you like my slang!) He then invited them, and their families back to our place for a bbq and swim. It was only 45 degrees that day! Within an hour our house was full with 7 adults and 10 kids under the age of 11! We all had a great time and felt refreshed until it was time to get out of the pool!

Monday was Clint's first day with students. Due to high temperatures over 42 degrees all students in grade 8-10 were sent home at lunch so Clint had no classes to teach in the afternoon. Not a bad start to the year in my opinion! Tuesday the same thing happened so Wednesday was his first full day with students, (the temperature was only 39 degrees!)

Tuesday was also Miles first day of kindy. He was so excited and when I dropped him off there wasn't even one tear. (My little man is growing up.) He stayed for lunch but due to the hot weather I picked him up early. He played with another student, helped his teacher put away lunches and participated in the name game they played at circle time. When I came in to get him he had a huge smile on his face and he told me I was too early because he wasn't done eating his lunch yet! I couldn't have asked for a better first day of school in a new place for him!

That was our week. It rained hard here this afternoon but Miles swim class went ahead as scheduled. The forecast is for 31 degrees the next couple of days. That used to sound boiling hot to me but now I find I'm looking forward to the break from the heat, is that wrong?